About Us
Mark Hall has 30 years of experience concieving, engineering and delivering bespoke solutions.
At the core of his business, Mark has a CNC routing machine on site in Little Walden. It has a 2m x 3m bed with 175mm head clearance, automatic tool change and hosts a comprehensive library of tools to suit most applications and materials.
This machine can make products as diverse as component blanks from sheet stock, machine guards, safety screens, polycarbonate to replace glass window panes and also items smaller than a finger nail for machine components.
Secondary operations on site include drilling, tapping, line bending and thermoplastics welding enabling the production of enclosures, vessels, tanks, and chassis assemblies.
Typical applications include manufacture of bespoke parts from polycarbonates and polypropolene and cutting of so-called “origami plastic”. The machine can also be used for highly accurate foam cutting for packaging.
We are careful to recycle all our materials where possible and our packaging and pallets go to make beehives for these bees.